Untitled, 2006, 42 x 28 x 5.5", fabric, thread and plastic buttons
Collection of Louise Bourgeois Trust
Photo: Christopher Burke, © The Easton Foundation/ VAGA, NY

Self-Portrait as Pencil with Teeth and Glasses, 2017, 2-3/4 x 5 x 16", platinum silicone rubber, fluorescent pigment, plastic
Courtesy of the artist and Marc Straus LLC.

Regina Rex, 1993, 33-1/2 x 28 x 24", plaster, pulp, encaustic, latex, and steel
Courtesy of the artist and Betty Cunningham Gallery, New York.

Untitled, 2006, 42 x 28 x 5.5", fabric, thread and plastic buttons
Collection of Louise Bourgeois Trust
Photo: Christopher Burke, © The Easton Foundation/ VAGA, NY
Self-Portrait as Pencil with Teeth and Glasses, 2017, 2-3/4 x 5 x 16", platinum silicone rubber, fluorescent pigment, plastic
Courtesy of the artist and Marc Straus LLC.
Regina Rex, 1993, 33-1/2 x 28 x 24", plaster, pulp, encaustic, latex, and steel
Courtesy of the artist and Betty Cunningham Gallery, New York.