Laura Larson
Laura Larson

Ecstasy, 2016, 30 x 44", archival inkjet print

Courtesy of the artist and Lennon, Weinberg, Inc., New York.

Laura Larson
Laura Larson

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, 2016, 15-1/2 x 22-1/4", archival inkjet print

Courtesy of the artist and Lennon, Weinberg, Inc., New York.

Laura Larson
Laura Larson

Courtesy of the artist and Lennon, Weinberg, Inc., New York.

Laura Larson
Laura Larson
Laura Larson
Laura Larson

Ecstasy, 2016, 30 x 44", archival inkjet print

Courtesy of the artist and Lennon, Weinberg, Inc., New York.

Laura Larson

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, 2016, 15-1/2 x 22-1/4", archival inkjet print

Courtesy of the artist and Lennon, Weinberg, Inc., New York.

Laura Larson

Courtesy of the artist and Lennon, Weinberg, Inc., New York.

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